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Monday, April 11, 2011

Government by People Who Hate You


Government by People Who Hate You
Government by People Who Hate You

Government by People Who Hate You

by: Dean Baker, Truthout

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan's (R-Wisconsin) budget plan would cut $5.8 trillion over the next decade by cutting programs like Medicare. (Photo: Stephen Crowley / The New York Times)

House Bud­get Com­mit­tee Chair­man Paul Ryan put out a bud­get pro­pos­al last week that will leave the vast major­ity of fu­ture re­tirees with­out de­cent health care by end­ing Medicare as we know it. Ac­cord­ing to the Con­gres­sion­al Bud­get Of­fice (CBO) an­alysis, most middle-income re­tirees would have to pay al­most half of their in­come to purchase a Medicare equivalent in­suran­ce pac­kage by 2030. They would be pay­ing much more than half of their in­come in later years.

This sort of broad­side against the li­v­ing stan­dards of the mid­dle class might have been ex­pec­ted to draw an out­raged re­spon­se in a na­tion that ex­alts the li­fes­tyle and values of the mid­dle class. In­stead, the pun­dit­ry ral­lied around Mr. Ryan's plan to deal with the pro­blem of runaway en­tit­le­ment spend­ing, credit­ing it for being "seri­ous" even if they did not em­brace all the de­tails.

If there is any doubt that our polit­ical sys­tem is con­trol­led by an elite who is com­plete­ly re­moved from the bulk of the popula­tion, this re­spon­se to the Ryan plan ended it. There is noth­ing at all seri­ous about the Ryan plan. It is a naked at­tempt to re­distribute yet more money to the co­untry's rich at the ex­pen­se of every­one else.

The pro­pos­al to end Medicare re­l­ies on mar­ket ef­ficien­cies to get health care costs under con­trol, as though we had not tried this be­fore. Has Re­presen­tative Ryan never heard of Medicare Ad­vantage or Medicare Plus Choice? Doesn't he know that we al­ready have the op­por­tun­ity to see the ef­fective­ness of private in­sur­ers in con­tain­ing health care costs in the vast non-Medicare in­suran­ce mar­ket?

Based on this ex­ten­sive ex­peri­ence, we know that the private in­suran­ce mar­ket does not con­trol costs. This is why the CBO cal­culated that Ryan's plan would huge­ly raise the cost of health care for sen­iors. If every sen­ior got a Medicare equivalent poli­cy under Re­presen­tative Ryan's plan (which most will not be able to af­ford), the added cost of his sys­tem would be more than $20 tri­ll­ion over the next 75 years.

This comes to more than $60,000 for every man, woman and child in the co­unt­ry. That would be money out of the poc­ket of or­dina­ry work­ers and re­tirees that will go to the in­suran­ce and phar­maceut­ical in­dust­ries, high­ly paid med­ical special­ists, and other health care pro­vid­ers.

When it comes to re­distribut­ing money up­ward, the bar for in­tel­lectu­al co­her­ence is set very low. Pun­dits from ac­ross the polit­ical spectrum had a hard time con­tain­ing their en­thusiasm for Ryan's plan even if few were will­ing to em­brace it in its en­tirety. And if there was not en­ough sub­stan­ce over which to get ex­cited, then there was al­ways the 37 foot­notes which Was­hington Post col­umn­ist Char­les Kraut­hamm­er trum­peted last week.

In prin­ci­ple, the co­untry's elite should be lay­ing low right now. After all, their greed and in­ep­titude has given us the worst economic col­lap­se since the Great De­press­ion. But after gett­ing the Wall Street banks back on their feet with tri­ll­ions of dol­lars of govern­ment sub­sidized loans, the elite are once again mak­ing a full-frontal as­sault on the li­v­ing stan­dards of the mid­dle class. Last week it was Medicare, but they pro­m­ise to be back to at­tack Soci­al Secur­ity in the not too dis­tant fu­ture.

The os­tensib­le rationale for this at­tack is the co­untry's huge bud­get de­ficit. This is gar­bage. As all the pun­dits know, the co­unt­ry has a huge de­ficit today be­cause the Wall Street boys drove the economy off a cliff. If the govern­ment de­ficit were not pro­pp­ing up the economy, we would be look­ing at 11 or 12 per­cent un­employ­ment, rath­er than 8.9 per­cent. Spend­ing creates jobs, and at this point, it is not com­ing from the private sec­tor, so the govern­ment must fill the hole.

Over the long­er term, the pro­jec­tions of huge de­ficits are driv­en by the pro­jec­ted ex­plos­ion in health care costs. Pre­sident Obama's health care re­form took steps toward con­strain­ing these costs, al­though pro­bab­ly not en­ough. Re­mar­kab­ly, Ryan's plan ab­an­dons these cost con­trol measures, vir­tual­ly guaran­tee­ing that qual­ity health care be­comes un­af­ford­able for all but a small elite.

And the pun­dits call Ryan's plan "seri­ous." Yes, it is very seri­ous. It is a seri­ous plan for tak­ing tens of tri­ll­ions of dol­lars from low-income and middle-income peo­ple and giv­ing them away as tax breaks to the rich and to the health care in­dust­ry. It is about as seri­ous as a robb­er with a gun poin­ted at your head.

Creative Commons License
by: Dean Baker, Truthout

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan's (R-Wisconsin) budget plan would cut $5.8 trillion over the next decade by cutting programs like Medicare. (Photo: Stephen Crowley / The New York Times)

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan put out a budget proposal last week that will leave the vast majority of future retirees without decent health care by ending Medicare as we know it. According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) analysis, most middle-income retirees would have to pay almost half of their income to purchase a Medicare equivalent insurance package by 2030. They would be paying much more than half of their income in later years.

This sort of broadside against the living standards of the middle class might have been expected to draw an outraged response in a nation that exalts the lifestyle and values of the middle class. Instead, the punditry rallied around Mr. Ryan's plan to deal with the problem of runaway entitlement spending, crediting it for being "serious" even if they did not embrace all the details.

If there is any doubt that our political system is controlled by an elite who is completely removed from the bulk of the population, this response to the Ryan plan ended it. There is nothing at all serious about the Ryan plan. It is a naked attempt to redistribute yet more money to the country's rich at the expense of everyone else.

The proposal to end Medicare relies on market efficiencies to get health care costs under control, as though we had not tried this before. Has Representative Ryan never heard of Medicare Advantage or Medicare Plus Choice? Doesn't he know that we already have the opportunity to see the effectiveness of private insurers in containing health care costs in the vast non-Medicare insurance market?

Based on this extensive experience, we know that the private insurance market does not control costs. This is why the CBO calculated that Ryan's plan would hugely raise the cost of health care for seniors. If every senior got a Medicare equivalent policy under Representative Ryan's plan (which most will not be able to afford), the added cost of his system would be more than $20 trillion over the next 75 years.

This comes to more than $60,000 for every man, woman and child in the country. That would be money out of the pocket of ordinary workers and retirees that will go to the insurance and pharmaceutical industries, highly paid medical specialists, and other health care providers.

When it comes to redistributing money upward, the bar for intellectual coherence is set very low. Pundits from across the political spectrum had a hard time containing their enthusiasm for Ryan's plan even if few were willing to embrace it in its entirety. And if there was not enough substance over which to get excited, then there was always the 37 footnotes which Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer trumpeted last week.

In principle, the country's elite should be laying low right now. After all, their greed and ineptitude has given us the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression. But after getting the Wall Street banks back on their feet with trillions of dollars of government subsidized loans, the elite are once again making a full-frontal assault on the living standards of the middle class. Last week it was Medicare, but they promise to be back to attack Social Security in the not too distant future.

The ostensible rationale for this attack is the country's huge budget deficit. This is garbage. As all the pundits know, the country has a huge deficit today because the Wall Street boys drove the economy off a cliff. If the government deficit were not propping up the economy, we would be looking at 11 or 12 percent unemployment, rather than 8.9 percent. Spending creates jobs, and at this point, it is not coming from the private sector, so the government must fill the hole.

Over the longer term, the projections of huge deficits are driven by the projected explosion in health care costs. President Obama's health care reform took steps toward constraining these costs, although probably not enough. Remarkably, Ryan's plan abandons these cost control measures, virtually guaranteeing that quality health care becomes unaffordable for all but a small elite.

And the pundits call Ryan's plan "serious." Yes, it is very serious. It is a serious plan for taking tens of trillions of dollars from low-income and middle-income people and giving them away as tax breaks to the rich and to the health care industry. It is about as serious as a robber with a gun pointed at your head.

Creative Commons License

Government by People Who Hate You
Government by People Who Hate You
Government by People Who Hate You
Government by People Who Hate You
Government by People Who Hate You
Government by People Who Hate You
Government by People Who Hate You
Government by People Who Hate You
Government by People Who Hate You
Government by People Who Hate You
Government by People Who Hate You

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